Natural Remedies for Hairy Face

Natural Remedies for Hairy Face
How to get rid of facial hair naturally. Hair on woman's face will usually very disruptive because it can reduce the sense of confidence. A feminine woman becomes more masculine if they have facial hair. Facial hair problem is different for every woman. A woman whose character is indifferent certainly will not make this issue as important. But most women want to overcome this problem by looking for natural remedies for facial hair.

This hair growth on certain body parts such as the face, legs, and so not just a coincidence. Certain conditions can cause the hair grow heavy, some of the causes of hair growth on the face, among others:

1. Hormonal factors
Some people have thick hairy face, but most do not. This is because the hormone in every person is different. Hormonal factors become one of the causes hair growth on the face.
2. Genetic Factor
Genetic of a person can also be passed to their children and so on, so that parents who have hairy face then the children will receive a hereditary gene too.
3. Too Often Shaved
Frequent shaving can actually make the hair thicker, so reduce shaving if you do not want to have thick fur.
4. Puberty
At the time of puberty you will soon grow hair that can either dense or sparse.

Of course, hair growth on a woman's face makes them feel less confident. But you don't need to worry. Here are some tips on how to reduce and remove facial hair with natural treatments using safe with safe ingredients.

Natural Remedies for Hairy Face
Natural Remedies for Hairy Face

1. Papaya
Papaya is a fruit that is quite popular with papain and fiber content. Papaya can help the digestive system of our body and prevent intestinal infections. In the world of beauty Papaya is very good for treating skin and remove facial hair.

However, for maximum results you better use green unripe papaya. Unripe papaya contains higher papain, where it can inhibit the growth of hair on your face.

How to remove facial hair with papaya:
  • Prepare unripe papaya
  • Puree papaya using a blender
  • Mix it with turmeric powder to form a paste
  • Use the mixture as face mask
  • Wait about 20-30 minutes for the mask to work properly
  • After that, rinse with warm water until clean

2. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice native to Southeast Asia that has been used since long time ago. People used to use turmeric for cooking and a natural food color.

Turmeric is also quite effective to get rid of facial hair naturally. Experts revealed that turmeric contains curcumin compounds that can inhibit the growth of unwanted hair on the face.

How to remove facial hair with turmeric:
  • Puree turmeric to form a paste
  • Squeeze it to produce a precipitate
  • Use the sediment as a face mask
  • Spread evenly after a shower, and then rubbed gently for 5 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water
Besides being able to help remove the hair on the face, above treatments can also help whiten skin naturally, remove acne scars, and much more.
Read also: Turmeric Face Mask for Acne

3. Lemon
The content in lemon is good for skin and can disguise the hair to avoid being seen. Although we can not remove the hair permanently, but it's safe for your face. Just mix lemon water with sugar and add a little water, apply on your face. Let stand about 15 minutes to dry then use clean water to rinse.

4. Honey
Mixed honey with sugar and lemon is good combination. Honey can be a hair remover ingredients that simple but powerful. Make a mixture of three materials and apply on your face. Honey itself is useful to remove the hair found on the face so that your face can look smoother and free of fur.

5. Egg-white
The egg-white is a source of high animal protein. Egg-white is useful to eliminate the infestation and skin fungus. In addition, however, the natural mineral in egg-white is also quite effective to help eliminate facial hair, pubic hair, leg, and a mustache hair.

Those are some method to remove facial hair naturally, quick and safe. Quick here does not mean instantly, but it is also need regular treatment so that you get maximum results. Usually the treatment results will be seen around one month, with routine use at least 1 time a day.
Natural Remedies for Hairy Face 4.5/ 5stars Posted by: Linda

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