Hairy Armpit Natural Remedies

Hairy Armpit Natural Remedies
How to get rid of hairy armpit with natural treatments - For some people armpit hair is not a problem, but some others consider armpits hair as a problem that quite disturbing confidence, especially women. However, there are also some men who do not like their armpit hair. Various methods are used and sometimes you willingly feel pain and costly. And if you want a little effort, there are some natural armpit remedies which much safer, cost-effective and proven to effectively get rid of armpit hair.

Armpit hair is one of the characteristics of someone growing up, usually during puberty, armpit hair starts to grow and the more day become more dense. And in some people, armpit hair is quite disturbing and therefore get rid of armpit hair becomes a choice.

Armpit hair itself is the hair that grows in the armpit area and has its own function. Some functions of this armpit hair such as body armor, a sign of maturity.

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For those who still want to get rid of hairy armpit, below some natural and effective way to remove underarm hair in natural way:

  • Turmeric
Turmeric has long been believed to be used in the treatment and care of the body. Turmeric is used as a natural ingredient to make the skin healthy and bright. In addition to eliminating the hair in the armpit, turmeric can prevent it from growing again. This is because turmeric contains natural anti-inflammatory that can prevent the growth of armpit hair.

  • Papaya
Papaya is rich in nutrients, among the benefits of papaya is very well known that it can accelerate the digestive system of the human body. However, it can also be used as a natural ingredient for abolishing the hair in the armpit.
Papaya contains papain which serves as a hair growth deterrent and also break the hair follicles.

This treatment can be done up to three times a week to about one month. If the hair growth has begun to slow down then the treatment can be done with rarely a week or two weeks.

  • Sunflower Seed
Another way to overcome the dark and hairy armpits is to use sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are known for whitening efficacy in the armpit. In addition, sunflower seeds can also be consumed.
How to use it is to take a few handfuls of sunflower seeds and mash until smooth. Apply it to armpit evenly and wait 10 minutes then rinse with warm water so that the armpit will be comfortable and fresh. Do this at least 3 times a week for faster results.

  • Radish
Radish is the types of vegetables that are easy to find because it is usually consumed for daily menu. In addition to health benefits of the body from the inside, radishes powerful enough to eliminate armpit hair. You will maximum results if applied regularly until the hair disappeared from the armpit.

  • Pepper
Herbs are known to be quite spicy, it is also able to eliminate underarm hair permanently. We can use combination of pepper, mothballs and kerosene. Blend and mix about 20 grains of pepper with a tablespoon of kerosene and 3 mothballs.
After that, apply to armpits and let stand until dry. It's recommended to use when bedtime and left all night. Rinse off the next morning and you will see the results.

  • Cumin
One more potent herbs that address the problem of armpit hair is a mix of cumin and mothball. To create a potion just take 20 white cumin seeds and mix with 3 grains of camphor that has been refined. Give lime juice to make it like a paste. Then apply on hairy armpits, leave to dry and then rinse.
The herb is not only remove hair permanently, but also whiten. Cumin and camphor mixture can remove dead skin cells and makes it look clean and glow.

  • Cornstarch
Cornstarch is also believed could make armpit hair lost naturally with permanent results. The mixture include 4 tablespoons of cornstarch, 4 tablespoons of sugar and eggwhite.
Stir well until it becomes a paste then smeared into the armpit. Close the armpit with a soft cloth and wait until dry.

  • Cucumbers
Another hairy armpits natural remedies you can try is using cucumber. Use combination of cucumber and turmeric. The content of vitamin C and E on cucumber is good to whiten the armpit.
Take 1 cucumber and blend until smooth. Put in a bowl and mix with turmeric extract. Spread evenly into your armpits and let sit for at least 10 minutes so that its content is permeated perfectly. Then rinse with warm water.

  • Lime
Lime contents is gopd for black and hairy armpits remedies. In addition to being able to make whiter armpits, this material is able to rejuvenate the skin making it look more fresh armpit. It's very easy to use it simply applying lime juice evenly into your armpit. Sprinkle with crushed sunflower seeds to get whiter armpits naturally. Rinse with warm water. Do it over 3 times in 2 weeks.

By using natural remedies to get rid of hairy armpits, we can save a lot of costs and safer than chemical products. Using a natural way require quite a long time and patience. There is no side effects and healthier.
Hairy Armpit Natural Remedies 4.5/ 5stars Posted by: Linda

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