Safe Lipstick During Pregnancy

Safe Lipstick During Pregnancy
How to choose lips makeup during pregnancy - Despite being pregnant, every women still want to look beautiful and attractive. However, not many know if a material or device used can harm the baby. Our bodies do a good job of protecting the fetus by filtering bacteria and germs through the placenta but there are ingredients in some makeup products that can fit into the developing fetus. The most at risk makeup for pregnant woman is lipstick, so we need to choose safe lipstick during pregnancy.

Women always synonymous with lipstick. Even when pregnant, women still try to maintain the interesting and fresh outward appearance. It turns out, according to some studies, lipsticks contain hazardous materials. Therefore, it is recommended to pregnant women to be careful to use cosmetics such as lipstick in order to maintain the health of the fetus.

Generally, lipsticks contained preservatives and dyes in limited quantities so it is fairly safe if accidentally pregnant women lick and swallow a little because about to wet her lips. To be safe, choose a lipstick made from natural ingredients. To reduce chapped lips, pregnant women can also use lip moisturizer or lip balm regularly. Just remember to choose safe lip gloss during pregnancy.

Read also: How to Apply Lipstick Perfectly

Lipstick Ingredients to Avoid During Pregnancy
A recent study found that a small fraction of some branded lipsticks that have turned out to be made of lead or tin content. It means that wearing lipstick when you're eating or drinking can be dangerous because you will swallow possible lead contained in lipstick.

Safe Lipstick During Pregnancy
Safe Lipstick During Pregnancy

Lipstick risk during pregnancy is actually frequently discussed in the some articles of beauty. The content of lipstick as wax, the wax material to facilitate the formation of lipstick in packaging, preservatives so lipstick has expiry longer, the content of tin and other metal, synthetic fragrances and dyes are certain elements that need to be wary of. Although each ingredient content that limits certain health standards which must be complied when producing lipstick, still have adverse effects after long term use.

Especially for pregnant women, chemical lipstick and other risky makeup should be avoided. These elements seep into the body through the skin, or like a lipstick accidentally swallowed, its contents into the mouth and consumed by the baby. Chemical contents in lipstick or cosmetics capable of causing cancer, disorders of the DNA, and may cause interference to other organs if the quantity of continuous use and the accumulation of hazardous substances in our body.

Safe Lipstick During Pregnancy
Lipstick ingredients not recommended for use during pregnancy

Maybe you think that the malicious content only found in cheap lipstick, expensive lipstick is definitely safer. Not really. Therefore when buying lipstick pay attention on the packaging of the lipstick ingredients. For pregnant women, to make lips fresh and charming, simply by smearing honey routinely and regularly eat fruits and drink eight glasses of water a day, without having to wear lipstick. It's better to prevent the danger than you have to sacrifice your baby for the sake of something that you will regret. Or if you insist, choose safe lipstick with natural ingredients that won't harm your baby.

That's some lipstick ingredients you should avoid during pregnancy because it has harmful effects to the mother and fetus. For pregnant women are advised in the meantime not to use cosmetics. If you still want to use it, you should consult with your obstetrician, in order to get a clearer direction about the various type of lipstick you can use.
Safe Lipstick During Pregnancy 4.5/ 5stars Posted by: Linda

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