Fruit Facial for Oily Skin

Fruit Facial for Oily Skin
How to make fruit facial for oily face - Oily skin does look very shiny, especially if we do not take care. Having oily skin sometimes very annoying. Because the face looks dirty and unkempt. Having oily can also trigger acne and other skin problems. In addition, the oily face also does not look good when you wear makeup. There are many ways to overcome dull skin to make the face look clean by making fruit facial for your oily skin.

Oil on the skin has a very important role to the skin retain moisture so it does not dry. However, excessive oily skin is also a problem for the face. Oily skin is usually caused by the wrong and irregular diet.

Overcoming oily skin naturally preferred by most women to appear more beautiful and confident when you are among the crowd. The existence of oily skin is very vulnerable, especially on the face, because oily skin can lead to acne and dark spots.

For those of you who have oily skin problems on the face, you can try natural treatments to overcome the problem of oily skin. Here are some tips on how to make facials for oily skin with fruits:

  • Lemon

Lemon has long been believed efficacious for beauty because vitamins contained in this fruit has ability to brighten the skin and overcome oily skin. Take some ripe lemon and blend it, then add a little honey and apply on face. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
For optimal results, you should do regularly once a week. You can drink lemon juice regularly too.

  • Tomato

Besides tomato can be beneficial for fruit and vegetables turned out to also be useful for treating oily skin. Blend ripe tomatoes then apply as a face mask, leave on for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Tomato fruit facial will make the skin clean and shine because tomatoes are able to remove dead skin cells.

  • Papaya

Papaya is a fruit trusted to cope with oily skin because it is able to eliminate dead skin cells and antioxidants contained therein can make you look younger. Blend papaya and aplly to the skin, then rub on a regular basis as a mask.

  • Banana

Banana contains vitamin A, B and E, which may overcome oily skin. You do this by smoothing bananas then apply on face evenly, let sit for approximately 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly. If your skin is oily and acne then you can add a little honey.

  • Apple

In addition to papaya, apples also contain very high antioxidant that can help prevent damage to the skin cells on the face. You can blend some apples until smooth and then add a bit of fresh water and honey. Mix these ingredients, then use as a face mask on a regular basis. Oily skin and skin problems will be resolved so that the skin looks brighter and naturally beautiful.

  • Mango

Mangoes contain vitamin A and antioxidants that are good for the skin. You can slice mango thinly and put it on your face, or blend it and use it as a mask. Apply evenly to the face and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with fresh water.

  • Watermelon

This juicy fruit is also quite useful to overcome oily skin. The way is by mixing cucumber, aloe vera and a slice of watermelon skin that has previously been dried and finely ground. Combine all three ingredients and blend them, then apply evenly on your face and rinse with clean water.

Thus the article on facial fruits for oily skin that you do it yourself at home for treating facial skin to look healthy and naturally beautiful. Benefits of fruit masks for facial skin care very much indeed. If you want a healthy and beauty face, you can use natural fruit and avoid chemical products.
Fruit Facial for Oily Skin 4.5/ 5stars Posted by: Linda

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